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Friday, October 18, 2013

Committed to Customer Service

      In our fast paced culture that is overpowered with consumerism it is hard to feel as a customer that you are truly appreciated. In fact, as a customer it is easy to become disheartened with the thought that companies do not truly value your dollar. It is also disheartening to feel as though the employees of where you are shopping take for granted that your hard earned dollar is paying their bills.  Well, at Sensory Goods, we truly believe in our commitment to customer service. It is not just a politically correct statement, a generic mission, or a subconscious selling point.

Below are 4 easy actions steps we take in our efforts to try and provide world-class customer service.      

1.  A SMILE changes everything! 
  • America has easily become a nation of cynicism, victims, and pity. Three words that all carry negative connotations, but in a very literal meaning describe the mentality of most Americans on a daily basis. Often times these personality traits arise because people work hard for very little, and then the hand over what little they have to people who won’t even smile. So, Sensory Goods  has found that a smile seriously changes everything. It changes the customer’s mood, experience, and day. A smile leaves each customer with the desire to become a return customer. Also, we can guarantee that a SMILE can be seen through every form of communication; person-to-person, phone, and internet.

  • Easily the most overused statements in the world of customer service, and yet easily the most underused principle in the world of customer service. I think this action step is simply as stated though, Sensory Goods' customers are always right. Does that mean our product is wrong, our service is bad, or that the customer is not absolutely insane, BY NO MEANS. However, it does mean that at the end of every customer encounter they are right, and should feel that way. Along with that, if they are right, then that means something is wrong and there should be a resolution in the end. 

3.  Think like WALT DISNEY!
  •  “I’m doing this because I want to do it better.” – Walt Disney || Sensory Goods started because we seen a problem, and we thought we could provide a solution. Every day since that moment of realization we have worked endlessly at doing it better. There has not been, and never will be a day when we have reached success in what we do. The world is ever changing and people are ever changing. We want to always provide a better solution then the world and people thought possible. We want to always think about what the customer needs before they know they need it. 

4.  GIVE more … get MORE!
  • When you give beyond the expectation of man, there is an unworldly response. The response is often the simplest, yet most powerful form of advertisement, word of mouth. Sensory Goods since it’s start has gone above and beyond in the area of giving, and that is something that will always be woven into the fabric of our origins. We have seen first hand the blessing that is given in return for giving. 

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