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Friday, February 14, 2014

Text LOVE14 to 313131

Sensory Goods realizes that today is recognized as the Day of Love, all around the world. In honor of Valentine's Day, we have decided to lavish LOVE on our customers. On Wednesday we posted a blog about 5 Ways to Love More. The 5 Ways to Love More were Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch, and GIFTS. We decided that the way we would choose to love more this Valentine's Day was by giving GIFTS! We are offering a holiday gift to all our customer who TEXT LOVE14 TO 313131 this weekend. You will not want to miss out on this Gift of Love

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

5 Ways to Love More

For years, people from around the globe have embraced February as a month of LOVE. They show their appreciation for loved ones with cards, gifts, flowers, a romantic evening, and even with a shiny diamond ring. This fantasized day marks a moment on every calendar for people to set themselves aside and show their undying love for each other. However, Valentines Day dates far beyond a romanticized day of love, it is a day to honor a Christian martyr, a man who truly gave his life for love quite like the icon of his faith. So, one way or the other, Valentines Day has been a day for laying down your life for another.

This year Sensory Goods wanted to take a moment to challenge our customers and readers to lay down their life in honor of love. In a hurt and broken world, it will not take much to find someone around you in need. We urge you to find someone in need and to selflessly give to the person the most you can. Outlined below are a few simple steps to helping someone feel loved in a month dedicated to love alone.

Acts of Service: 

Simply doing something kind for an individual can show them that that are not only loved, but it will show them that they are cared for also. It could be that you are a husband that needs to do the dishes for his wife, a girlfriend who needs to play video games with her boyfriend, a child who needs to give their parent(s) a much needed break, or a neighbor who needs to mow both your lawn and the one next door. Also, we must not forget a personal favorite; you can always pay for the car behind you in the Starbucks drive-thru.

Words of Affirmation:

Now this may be the easiest step to showing someone love this time of year, but a simple word of encouragement can really go a long way. It is not the words of advice that you so desperately want to give, it is not the constructive criticism that you think is needed, it is a kind and polite "good job" that will win someone’s heart. You see, words are eternal; they can be forgiven but never taken back. So, this month as you show love, even to the least, remember it could be a simplistic acknowledgment of someone’s strengths that make love expound.

Quality Time:

You heard it America, Quality Time can actually make a person not only feel loved, but it can make them feel like the most important person to ever walk the face of the earth. In an age plagued by cell phones, social media, and a slue of instantly gratifying things, a moment of time spent with a loved one undistracted can make all the difference. For instance, if it is not beyond you, take a moment to sit with that homeless man on the corner this week and hear his story, it may be your life that is changed forever, not just his. 

Physical Touch:

Yes men, we are talking about the hands on the body and the lips pressed against hers. You might not know this but many women want it just as bad as you do. Even more interesting than that, even the strangest of strangers can feel truly loved by a simple handshake or a hug. So, this month let your random act of kindness by a hug to every person you come in contact with. It may catch them off guard, but we think that is the point. 


This is the one that we do not even need to explain. Whether it is a handmade card or a diamond engagement ring (Remember, every Kiss begins with K), a gift of any kind will bring a smile to a face. 

So, now that we have listed some general ideas of ways to express love unlike ever before, what will you do this month to reveal your love?

Find out your love language, click here